Awkward Moments
The other day at the Day Care I overheard one of my co-workers talking to a speech pathologist who comes in for the kids. They were...
My Bathroom Adventure
So, as you may know, I work at a day care center a town over from mine. I still take the para-transit bus and one thing I cannot stand...
Taking the Public Bus
It’s not like I don’t have enough stress in my everyday life but to add to it I recently began taking a bus to get me back and forth to...
The Conference
I recently had the opportunity to attend an educational conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My sister, who is going to school to be...
A Story About Making Friends
I went to a classmate’s graduation party and I met someone who I thought would be fun to hang out with. Was I wrong!! She invited me to...
Every birthday my family always asks....... So, how does it feel to be ________________?(fill in the blank) I always say that it doesn't...
Let's Talk about Embarrassing Situations
Most people can count on 1 hand the embarrassing things that have happened to them. I count weekly; sometimes daily. Situation #1 I'm at...
Acceptance: 12th Grade
I have been in Special Education for my entire school career. I'm in a great place at this point in my life. I am getting ready for my...